How to Add a Link to Widget Titles in Blogger

links to titles
It will be utterly useless, talking to you all about "What widget title is?". 99% of the blogger widgets comes with titles. Now, you will be thinking about the widgets without titles... Yes, there are widgets which don't have any titles. The '+1 Button' widget, 'Feed' widget are some among them. Whatever, lets come back to the topic, adding a link to the widget titles. If you have added the profile widget and want to add the link to your about page to its title or something like that. Through this post, we will show you how to add a link to the widget titles in blogger.

Adding a Link to Widget Titles in Blogger


As of WordPress, we don't have any plugins, which will do the work for us. We just have to add the links manually to the template. Even though, its not that hard to do and is simple. Follow the below steps and you are done.

Step 1: Go to your blogger dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.

Step 2: Check the 'Expand Widget Templates' check box on top left.

Step 3: Using Ctrl+F, Search for the widget title or widget ID of the widget for which you want to add a link to the title.

Now you can see something like what is shown below.
<b:widget id='PlusFollowers1' locked='false' title='Google+ Followers' type='PlusFollowers'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:if cond='data:profileUrl != &quot;&quot;'>
Step 4: Now, replace <data:title/> with the below code.
<a href="URL"><data:title/></a>
Where URL is the link you want to add to.

Step 5: Click the orange save template button.

That's it! We hope this post had helped you in adding a link to the widget titles. Before you go, make sure to check out more of our blogger tutorials. If you faced any problems while adding the link, then do inform us it through the comment box below.

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