Adding Print Button To Your Blogger Posts Using PrintFriendly

blogger print friendly
Everyone have their blog stuffed with social sharing buttons making it easy for the visitors to share the contents with their friends. Suppose you have a recipe/how-to blog and your visitor want to print the recipe to make that dish or want to print the how-to... Yes this is an era of social media but the situation mentioned above can happen and as a blogger you have to care all your readers. right?

Adding a print button to your blogger blog is not something that is very hard. PrintFirendly enables us to add a print button to blogger blogs within seconds. You can add a print button to your blogger blog by following the below steps.

Adding Print Button To Blogger:

Step 1: Move on to PrintFirendly.

Step 2: Under the "Choose Site Type" option, select "Blogger/Blogspot".

Step 3: Under the "Choose Button" option, Select the type of the button you want to show off.

Step 4: Now just simply scroll down and click the "Install Blogger Widget" button.

That's It! Now you have a cool print button below every posts of your blogger blog. If you have any doubts regarding this, please feel free to comment your doubt below!

5 comments... add one

  1. That is awesome feature for blog. I impressed about. I also try it after read this article. Actually it is working as well.

  2. That’s great option for my blog. Definitely I use it. Thank you for your superb post.

  3. Wow that is nice tip. I like it very much. You clearly describe about this option and how to add this to my blog.

  4. I cannot get this to work? Am I suppose to do anything in the 'feature' section?
    It doesn't give me a code. After I click "Install Blogger Widget" I get a plain white page with a "#" sign at the top; nothing else.

    Please help me!!

  5. It’s working Sissy. I did it. This article gives a every step in clearly. First you follow orderly. Then you can get the result.
