How To Add Meta Description For Each Posts In Blogger

meta decription for each posts
Meta tags are those tags which give an idea about your blog/site to the search engines, in order to index a page correctly. Most the blogger bloggers use a single meta description for all their blog pages/posts, which often results in duplicate meta descriptions. You may ask how this happens? Simple, all the posts may not contain all the words you've given in the meta description and this in turn results in duplicate meta description and most the crawlers will down rank your page/posts because of this. How can we overcome this? Just add different meta description for each posts and pages by following the below steps.

First of all you have to enable Meta description tag for your post. For that;

Step 1. In Your Blogger Dashboard Click > Settings > Search preferences:
meta decription for each posts
Step 2. Navigate to “Meta Tags”.Click "Edit" link corresponding to Description.

meta decription for each posts
Step 3. Select "Yes" option, write meta description for your Homepage and click save.

Finally, you have enabled description meta for all posts. Now you can add meta description for your posts while you create a new post or edit a post by adding your meta description at "Search Description" tab in the post editor.

meta decription for each posts
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  1. Very interesting post. Guess the best way is to have good content on your blog and the rest will follow, as the song sings.
