Three Useful Tools For Bloggers [Free]

The 3 main things behind a successful blog is quality content, social promotion and backlinks. Using tools to increase productivity is a better idea to be more successful within less time. Many tools are spread across the internet which will help you with your blog. I have selected 3 of them which are absolutely free and easy to use. Those three will help you to create quality content, promote your blog through social networking and building quality backlinks.

Ginger Proofreader

Has some trouble with your English? No need to worry. Ginger proofreader is there to help you! Ginger Proofreader is a grammar checker which corrects your text line by line if there are any grammatical errors. As well as you can download the tool and run it along with your browser as an add-on, which makes it easy for you to check for errors while writing the posts. Using Ginger Proofreader you can easily check your posts for any errors by pressing the  F2 button and can correct the errors with a single click.


As you all know without social promotion your blog won't reach anywhere. On the same time social promotion becomes worthless if you don't have any social connections. There is where AddMeFast becomes handy.

AddMeFast is a free social promotion tool which helps us to get more Facebook likes, subscribers, twitter followers, retweets, google + followers, Stumbleupon followers and much more. What you have to do is register an account at AddMeFast and add your social profiles and start earning points by following peoples and you'll get some followers for the points you earned. Now what to do with the followers is with you.

Backlink Watch

Wrote some quality content, promoted it via social networking sites. Now the next thing is to create some organic traffic from search engines, right? As you all know the number of backlinks are the main criteria for a higher page rank. Backlink watch as the name says helps us to watch the backlinks of other blogs as well as yours. What you have to do is find out where those top blogs in your niche get backlinks and try to create some of that kind.

That's all. Now create some quality contents and bring your blog to the front.

Drop Your Comments And Questions Below.

2 comments... add one

  1. Great article.
    but Ginger poofreader is not accurate.

  2. Nothing is Perfect in This World Buddy! Yup Ginger Proofreader is Not Accurate But it Can Help You To Some Extend!
